The Ghost of Helags is a Swedish electronic indie duo comprised of a female artist based in Berlin and her Swedish producer. The duo's music is characterized by passionate and emotional synthpop songs that are both moody and sexy, often exploring themes of love, loss, and longing.
The Ghost of Helags' musical journey began on top of the Helags mountain in Sweden, where the duo found their musical spark. Their debut album, also titled "The Ghost of Helags," was released in 2020, and the lead single "Looking for Mary" showcases the duo's unique sound, blending dreamy electronic beats with haunting vocals and ethereal melodies. The song tells the story of someone who has gone missing, exploring the emotions that come with searching for a lost loved one.
The Ghost of Helags has received critical acclaim for their music, and their songs have been featured on popular Spotify playlists such as "New Music Friday" and "Wintergefühle." The duo has worked with Sonic PR, a Manchester-based music PR agency that has represented well-known artists like The Strokes and Metronomy, and is signed to publisher Misty Music, which also represents artists like Fever Ray and Anna von Hauswolff.
The Ghost of Helags' music is a beautiful blend of indie, electronic, dream pop, and art rock, with influences from artists such as Bjork, Massive Attack, and Portishead. With their captivating sound and emotionally charged lyrics, The Ghost of Helags is definitely an artist to keep an eye on in the indie music scene.